21 February, 2022


Common Dental Bridge Problems & Why You Should Get Them Fixed

Unfortunately, there comes a point in life when someone will have to deal with a missing or completely damaged tooth, which needs extraction. We know that it’s not a pleasant situation for anyone, but thanks to dentistry, we can restore our beautiful smiles and health.

A typical therapeutic solution to restore such issues is to use a dental bridge. Your doctor will place a “false” tooth (also called pontic) and use one or two of the gap’s surrounding natural teeth to hold and bond the pontic.

There are several types of dental bridges created from different materials. The type will determine the time and the steps for the procedure each time. If you have already invested in a dental bridge or your dentist advised you to get one, you should be aware of the following information.

Generally speaking, a dental bridge is a long-term solution for missing teeth. If it’s taken care of well, it can even last more than 15 years.

During our years of practice, we observed a few common problems which can lead to a bridge failure, and we can separate them into two primary causes.

The first is associated with the procedure itself (creation and placement), and the other is the routine care you’ll follow (hygiene). So, let’s analyse everything to help you understand why you should not ignore these problems and how to prevent them.

Problems due to a lousy fitting

The bridge should fit perfectly so it won’t feel unnatural and dental issues won’t appear. If the bridge allows minor gaps between the tooth and the gum and bone that surround the teeth, food can get caught under it. Trapped food will allow bacteria to grow, and that is when the problems start — infection, gum disease, and even more severe complications.

When these are left untreated, there is a significant possibility that the bridge will start coming loose and might even fall off. You should also not ignore the fact that your natural teeth might be affected too and get damaged.

If you’re wondering how to recognise an ill-fitted bridge, these are some of the first signs you will notice.

  • A sensitivity under the dental bridge or even pain, especially while consuming food.
  • Your bite won’t feel the same, and you might observe redness and irritation to your gums.
  • The bridge might look unnatural, due to the placement that won’t be inlined with your teeth and gums, or because of its colour that won’t match your natural teeth.

Problems from poor hygiene

Caring for your bridge is the most crucial task and you should make it a habit. If you’re thinking about how do you clean a dental bridge properly, the answer is pretty straightforward.

You should brush your teeth twice a day, floss at least once and use the appropriate products suitable for use when having a bridge. Also, don’t forget to ask your dentist which brush would reach all the “difficult” places, which mouth wash is more suitable, and any other recommendations they might have for routine cleaning with a dental bridge.

The same dental issues can happen here too. So if poor hygiene is involved, food particles will get trapped, and bacteria will start causing plaque formation. Neglecting can lead to tartar, which is more challenging to treat, and periodontal disease will be present.

There is always the possibility that you might observe some damage to your bridge. Unfortunately, this is something that can happen, and in most cases, the cause will be the consumption of something hard or sticky.

You should avoid such eating habits and try to eliminate sugar and foods and drinks that can cause stains (coffee, wine, dark juices, berries, beetroot, tomato-based sauces, etc.) from your diet.


If you recognise some of the symptoms mentioned in this article, you should immediately contact your dentist to take a look and give you the right care and advice.

You should never forget to follow proper care for your dental bridge. Even though the tooth is not “alive”, hygiene will play a significant role in its lasting period and your overall oral health.

Remember to find a doctor you trust, and if you’re struggling, you can always contact our clinic and schedule an appointment to evaluate your situation.

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